BSA131 Week ten - Cladder-board


On every film set, you will see at least one of it, the Cladder-board. Because sound and pictures are mostly taken on different devices so to match the sound to the picture they need a reference point and that is the clap of the Cladder-board. But even when the captured picture doesn't require sound the Cladder-board is used to know which Scene and Take it is. Instead of clapping the board you hold you're hand under the clad. The camera has to focus on the Cladder-board and then change the focus to the actual scene and then it's Action. On the board is the Name of the production written, also the camera-man and director. It also has the Date on it and if it was with sound or mute, day or night. The board still has the field for the Roll but in these days it's more which SD card it is.
If the camera is to close to the object or if it is starting in the dark the Cladder-board is used at the end and the turned around. This way you still get the sorting of the Scene and Takes right.
There are different colours available white, Plexiglas and a black. Sometimes the black ones are too dark and would require a lot of settings changed and afterwards changed again. So often the will use a white or Plexiglas one.
