BSA227 - Compositing and reflection

Render problems 

While working on this project we had some issues with the rendered files and the settings that were used. So for example sometimes the glass bulb on Arl's head is dark or white and not transparent or the ground plane was in the picture. Also, the Arnold render put some watermarks on some frames so we had to rerender quite often when such a mistake happened.
I was always the one who came to Andrea when I found such a problem and she rendered it again and I worked on on the project, color correcting and editing our footage.   



For the landing scene the Ufo had to fly behind the one tree branch because otherwise, it would have looked a bit unrealistic. So I duplicated the layer and used the rotoscope tool for the branch.  

Credits & Title

As the director, Andrea chose the font for the title and the credits and I put them into After Effects with fading in and out.

Audio and sound editing

Andrea looked up the sounds and Glenn found some good sound effects. When I rendered it out of After Effect it took a long time to finish it. After that, I put it into Premiere and started to put the background music to the project. I added some ambiance sound for the beginning and some bigger sounds like the sound of the arriving spaceship, scanner, and the dropping can. The other scenes are just with background music and quite ambiance sound. At the beginning and the end of the audio tracks, I always faded them out so that there is no abrupt end or start.  To clear the ambiance sound from the wind noise I added some Noise reducer and also a Highpass. In the end, I added the effect Loudnessradar to the Master track and tried to make the loudness of the tracks a bit more equal.


I'm really proud of our short film and how good we worked as a group. It still has some points of improvement but for the first project in this paper, I like the outcome.
