BSA227 Week eight - Saber Plugin and Nuke

After Effects

Add a Solid Layer and put the effect Saber on it. You can do all different things with it.
Saber Effect

When you put a mask on top of it and choose the the Core Type is a Mask Layer. Now the Saber is following the Mask.

Turn Solid into Add, now you can see the background image. 

Playing around with the Saber Plugin with Text. You change the Core Type into Text Layer.

Program Nuke

Remember to open Nuke from the Desktop and not from the Menu to avoid crashes. To get the settings at the right side, click into the bootom field and press "s"

If we want to put files into Nuke wwe click into the bottom field and press "Tab" and it opens a search field. We click Read and it open up the File Search, only press once onto the folders. 

 To enable footage you click on the file and press "d" to redo it press the Key again. With the Merge we can put more things into the footage. B is for the Background Layer and A is for that what you want to put over it.

To do a rotoskope to mask something we add it with the "Tab Key" and type in "roto" and add it to our Nodes. Then we can add a Mask to cover the  

To get a lighter look at the Crates enter with "Tab" Grade to the Crates footage and over increasing the gain they are getting brighter.
