
BSA227 - Compositing and reflection

BSA228 - Game build and reflection

BSA131 - Screening standards

BSA124 - Reflection and Final Product

BSA228 - Further development

BSA227 - Importing animation

BSA131 - Color Grading

BSA227 - First Composition

BSA124 - Composite the short film

BSA228 - New buttons in menu

BSA228 - Defeating enemies and Menu

BSA131 - Font research

BSA131 Week 16 - Rough Cut

BSA124 Week 15 - First scenes and animation

BSA124 - First scenes

BSA228 Week 15 - In game lighting

BSA131 - Location scouting

BSA131 - Morten and Marc's shoot

BSA124 Week fourteen - Final Testing before Shoot

BSA228 Week fourteen - Fixing Movement

BSA228 Week fourteen - Animation

BSA227 Week thirteen - Rough order