BSA227 Week Two

After Effects Tutorial

3D Tracker Camera
Create Text in a clip. Drop the Footage into the timeline and go to Tracker and click Track Camera. This analyse the footage for Camera triangle points. To place the text I choose three points, to select three in a row you use Shift for it. If you have selected three a red circle appears on this you right click on it and chose "Create Text". To change the Text you mark it with the Text tool and type in your own text. To get it upright I used the Transform X Rotation. To let it look more realistic we added a Shadow Catcher and a Light. We played around with the Shadow Diffusion to get a smoother shadow.

Blowing cars up

We created a new Track over the one car in the Carpark. We transformed it that it face towards me. 
Select the Track Solid Layer and drag drop the footage of Car bomb on the Solid with the Key press ALT. Afterwards I scaled it a bit bigger.

Mask the pillar 

Select the Car_Bomb Track and choose the Pen Tool and Mask the pillar. After creating the Mask click on inverted so the pillar is in front of the explosion and the flames. 
Then we did the same thing to add a Dust Wave.

Then we added Bouncing debris and a Dust Wave to it. I just repeated the steps from before. But I changed the color from the debris to a bit darker, because they were a bit too light for the scene. To do so I selected the Layer with the Bouncing debris and clicked Effects on top of the window and choose Color Correction and there the Curve. I just dragged the curve a little bit down to get a darker look.
For the Dust Wave I also made some adjustment because it had a sharp ending I added a Mask to it and increased the pixels at the Mash Feather to a amount I seemed fitting for it. 

