Screenwriting with Duncan Sarkies
In class today we had a screenwriting session with Duncan.He started the class with the question, "What do you want?" specifically not in general, like "I wanna be happy.". He explained that every person wants something and with that she has a certain way to do things to achieve these goals.
He handed us all a special task out that we should try to achieve without people knowing what our task is. My task was that I should get someone to tidy up their mess.
Some of us reached their goals during the class and who doesn't finished it could use the afternoon to reach it. It was a very cool game and you really had to think about how you could manipulate another person to do what is your task.
We also had a acting part, where two of our group had to do an job interview and both had different wants. They did it 3 times and everytime we changed a bit of the way they should behave or they're backgroundstories. You could really feel the difference between those actings. Whit the more changes the acts became more intense and real.
From this lesson I learned a lot. That a character should always want something because that is what drives him and his decisions. Afterwards I found it easier to think about a character and his motives.
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